Who is Milana Vayntrub in God of War Ragnarok?

May 2024 · 5 minute read

A major reason why God of War Ragnarok is so engaging is the title’s brilliant cast of voice actors, who fit into their respective roles perfectly. One of the standout performers of God of War Ragnarok was Christopher Judge, the voice behind the protagonist Kratos. His calm and baritone voice has always been a big hit amongst God of War fans, and at The Game Awards 2022, he was duly honored with the Best Performance (Voice) award.

Nevertheless, many other equally talented voice actors have made God of War Ragnarok come alive. One of them is Milana Vayntrub, the voice behind Lunda in God of War Ragnarok. This feature will talk about the character and personality style Milana portrayed while voice-acting Lunda in God of War Ragnarok, and later have a quick look at her acting career and life beyond acting.

Note: This article contains God of War Ragnarok story spoilers.

Milana Vayntrub as Lunda in God of War Ragnarok

Kratos speaking to Lunda in GOW Ragnarok (Image via Santa Monica Studio)

Lunda is a female dwarven blacksmith in God of War Ragnarok, with players coming across the character when they visit Sindri’s and Brok’s workshop. In the game's storyline, Lunda is a member of Freya’s Vanir resistance and boasts skills equal to that of the Huldra Brothers. Later on, after Brok’s death, his close friend Lunda takes over his workshop.

She plays the role of a charming female dwarf that's quite upfront with her emotions and doesn’t hesitate to flirt at all. Although Vayntrub's portrayal of Lunda's upbeat personality has been well-received by the gaming audience, there's so much more to learn about her than just her voice acting.

Milana Vayntrub in real-life

Milana Vayntrub as Sloane Sandburg in television series This is Us (Image via Pinterest)

Milana Vayntrub is an American actress who was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, when the country was under the occupation of the former Soviet Union. Born to Jewish parents, Milana immediately went into acting and performance arts after her parents immigrated to the USA.

Milana’s first major debut came in 1995 at the tender age of eight, when she appeared on three episodes of the NBC television series ER. Throughout her career, Vayntrub has appeared in small roles across several movies and television series, including Life Happens and Silicon Valley, amongst others, and in the 2016-17’s television series This is Us as Sloane Sandburg. More recently, in 2022, Vayntrub also played the lead role in Comedy Central’s television film Out of Office.

Life beyond acting

Besides her acting career, Milana Vayntrub moved towards activism when she visited Greece and met people fleeing the Syrian Civil War. This prompted her to launch a social media movement called “Can’t Do Nothing” to spread awareness about the ongoing crisis to the global masses. She even runs a website for the same.

God of War Ragnarok was Milana Vayntrub’s first-ever appearance as a voice actor for the game. Besides being a fairly strong presence across several comical web series, she has also played various characters in the College Humor Originals spread across 15 episodes. Milana was also the voice behind Marvel Rising: Ultimate Comics’ Squirrel Girl, which appeared in episode three.

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