Looking to Expand Your Vivarium Collection in Hogwarts Legacy? Heres How!

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Delving into Hogwarts Legacy

Embrace the realm of Hogwarts Legacy, an exciting action RPG set in the Harry Potter universe. Crafted by Avalanche Software and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, this game immerses players in the late 1800s as they mold their character attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Traverse the open-world rendition of Hogwarts, venturing into the likes of the Forbidden Forest and Hogsmeade. With a dynamic storyline influenced by your choices, players can master spells, concoct potions, and encounter mystical beasts. Scheduled for a 2022 release, Hogwarts Legacy will be available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC platforms.

Strategies for Obtaining More Vivariums in Hogwarts Legacy

“Vivariums” in Hogwarts Legacy refer to items that house magical creatures. Here are helpful tips to expand your Vivarium collection:

To amass a diverse collection of Vivariums, continue exploring, questing, and interacting with NPCs throughout the game.

Unlocking Additional Vivariums in Hogwarts Legacy

As players advance in Hogwarts Legacy, they can access more Vivariums by meeting specific objectives. Here’s how to unlock additional Vivariums in the game:

To unlock more Vivariums, focus on progression, quest completion, and creature discovery. By doing so, you will unveil fresh opportunities to nurture magical creatures.

Species Limit for Hogwarts Legacy Vivariums

In Hogwarts Legacy, players can house up to four Vivariums, accommodating a total of 12 creatures from diverse species. This caps the collection at 48 magical creatures per player.

The species limit of 12 creatures per Vivarium cannot be surpassed. To accommodate more magical creatures, players must unlock extra Vivariums through specific in-game achievements.

Managing resources and attention is crucial to sustain each Vivarium. The availability of certain Vivariums may be tied to game progress or completing particular objectives, impacting the player’s creature housing capacity.

Hogwarts Legacy’s species limit poses a strategic challenge, demanding players to resourcefully manage their Vivariums and prioritize creatures based on preferences and gameplay objectives.


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