Dang, Brendan Fraser used to be Hot

May 2024 · 3 minute read

[quote] Dang, Brendan Fraser used to be Hot

Until he wasn’t

by Anonymousreply 1October 10, 2021 4:08 AM

He was never hot. He once had a trainer. For film roles. Obviously not for his life. Because he's been bug eyed and fat for 25 years. And I've never seen him "hot" except in old DL memories.

by Anonymousreply 2October 10, 2021 4:15 AM

He was attractive in “The Mummy” but I give a lot of credit to the cinematographers and director the same way they made Adam Driver look handsome in the Star Wars movies. Just good angles and lighting.

Outside of that, he was like Mike Myers to me.

by Anonymousreply 3October 10, 2021 4:22 AM

R3 Adam Driver has NEVER looked hot or fuckable.

by Anonymousreply 5October 10, 2021 4:44 AM

Brendan Fraser was never hot either. He's an ordinary looking guy. Weak chin and bug eyes. Narrow shoulders. Nothing much good about him but not bad hair and a starved looking body for that one dumb film. Every elder incel has to jerk off to something I guess.

by Anonymousreply 6October 10, 2021 4:51 AM

That’s not a weak chin in Op

by Anonymousreply 7October 10, 2021 4:52 AM

This pic is from 1995. Everything about his face is weak. Very ordinary looking guy. He'd be lucky to have two lines in a Law & Order episode. Jerk off to who you want, but don't try to convince me that this guy was ever anything. He's 52 years old - so he was 26 in this pic!!! He looks 45. Some men and women are just made of soft material.

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by Anonymousreply 8October 10, 2021 5:18 AM

I recommend that the Fraser doubter should check out the film Gods and Monsters

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by Anonymousreply 9October 10, 2021 5:28 AM

He had a good run as a hot guy, but after "Crash" his career went south, and so did his marriage. He had been balding for a long time beforehand, but when he got fat he gave up on hiding it.

I really am surprised both he and Russell Crowe cannot become thin again; it really is possible to do if you want it enough, especially when you've shown the discipline to get as ripped as they both did when they were younger. I guess at some level they're both happy being fat.

I dated a guy in the early 00s who was a stage director--he was good friends with Fraser (whom he had once directed), and he said Fraser genuinely wanted to be a big-time serious actor, and was embarrassed when he fully realized how much his success up to that time had depended on his looks. Maybe he wanted subconsciously to rebel against that.

by Anonymousreply 10October 10, 2021 5:37 AM

He was an average looking guy, fat or thin. Some people here have very weird taste. No one knows who Brendan Fraser was.

by Anonymousreply 11October 10, 2021 5:57 AM

See George of the Jungle.

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by Anonymousreply 12October 10, 2021 6:03 AM

He's misshapen R12. Fat or thin. And his face was never handsome or hot. Barely average. He must have given up the booty to get parts. Maybe that's why he became a whale? I think there's a thyroid problem there too. He has some kind of syndrome. His joints stick out and he doesn't really have much muscle, no matter how much he worked out. He sure as fuck missed leg day.

by Anonymousreply 13October 10, 2021 6:07 AM

R13 He gained a lot of weight due to a combination of some serious injuries he sustained and depression from his divorce.

by Anonymousreply 14October 10, 2021 9:02 PM
