The Meaning Behind The Song: Aint No Ash Will Burn by Della Mae

May 2024 · 3 minute read

As I am listening to “Ain’t No Ash Will Burn” by Della Mae, memories and emotions flood through my mind. Music has this magical ability to transport us to different times and places, and this song, in particular, has a deep meaning that resonates with many people.

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Released in 2013 as part of their album “This World Oft Can Be,” Della Mae beautifully captures the essence of love, loss, and the inevitability of change in the lyrics of this song. Let’s delve into the meaning behind the captivating words:

Verse 1: A Metaphor for Inevitable Change

I have seen snow that fell in May
And I have seen rain on cloudless days
Somethings are always bound to change
There ain’t no ash will burn

Right from the beginning, the song sets the stage by painting vivid imagery. The snow falling in May and rain on cloudless days symbolize the unexpected and sometimes inexplicable changes we encounter in life. No matter how solid or permanent something may seem, change is inevitable. The line “there ain’t no ash will burn” emphasizes the idea that everything eventually fades away or transforms.

Verse 2: Love’s Transient Nature

Love is a precious thing I’m told
It burns just like West Virginia coal
But when the fire dies down it’s cold
There ain’t no ash will burn

In this verse, Della Mae explores the transient nature of love. Love is often described as something passionate and intense, just like the burning flames of West Virginia coal. However, when love fades or ends, it turns cold. The line “there ain’t no ash will burn” suggests that once love is gone, it cannot be revived or rekindled.

Verse 3: Acceptance and Letting Go

You say this life is not your lot
Well, I can’t be something that I’m not
We can’t stoke a fire that we ain’t got
There ain’t no ash will burn

In this verse, the song delves into the idea of acceptance and letting go. It acknowledges that sometimes we have to accept our circumstances and move forward. We cannot force something that doesn’t exist or try to be someone we’re not. The metaphor of not being able to stoke a fire that we don’t have emphasizes the futility of holding onto something that has already faded away.

Verse 4: Leaving Behind What is Dear

