Discover The Best Backgrounds And Traits For Starfield

May 2024 ยท 18 minute read

Starfield Character Creation: Best Backgrounds and Traits

In the upcoming space RPG Starfield, character creation is a key element to shaping your unique journey through the vastness of space. Among the crucial choices you'll make are your character's background and traits, which significantly influence their starting skills, attributes, and dialogue options. Here's an in-depth guide to help you select the best background and traits for your Starfield character.

When creating your Starfield character, you'll be presented with a variety of backgrounds to choose from, each offering a unique set of starting skills and dialogue options. These backgrounds range from spacer, who grew up in the starships, to wanderer who spent their lives exploring uncharted territories, to academic who excelled in scientific research. The choice of background will impact your character's starting skills and attributes, as well as the dialogue options available to you throughout the game. For example, the spacer background grants proficiency in piloting and engineering skills, while the wanderer background provides bonuses to survival and lockpicking abilities.

In addition to your background, you'll also need to select a set of traits for your character. Traits are special abilities or characteristics that further define your character's personality and capabilities. These traits can range from positive attributes, such as intelligent or charismatic, to negative traits, such as reckless or clumsy. Each trait provides specific bonuses or penalties to your character's skills and attributes, so it's important to choose wisely based on the playstyle you want to pursue. For example, the intelligent trait grants a bonus to your science and engineering skills, while the reckless trait increases your damage output but also makes you more vulnerable to enemy attacks.

The combination of your background and traits will create a unique foundation for your Starfield character. By carefully considering your choices, you can tailor your character to suit your preferred playstyle and narrative preferences. Whether you want to be a skilled pilot, a cunning negotiator, or a resourceful explorer, the right combination of background and traits will help you achieve your goals in the vast and unforgiving universe of Starfield.

Best Background and Traits

In the upcoming space RPG Starfield, character creation is key to shaping your journey. Your background and traits significantly influence your character's skills, attributes, and dialogue options. Here are nine key aspects to consider when making these choices:

By carefully considering these aspects, you can create a character that is perfectly suited to your desired playstyle and narrative preferences. Whether you want to be a skilled pilot, a cunning negotiator, or a resourceful explorer, the right combination of background and traits will help you achieve your goals in the vast and unforgiving universe of Starfield.


In the upcoming space RPG Starfield, your character's background plays a vital role in shaping their skills, attributes, and dialogue options. The four main backgrounds available in the game are Spacer, Wanderer, Academic, and each one offers a unique set of starting advantages and narrative possibilities.

Spacers are individuals who have grown up in the starships,, and are proficient in piloting and engineering skills. They are also familiar with the dangers and opportunities of space travel, giving them a unique perspective on the universe. Wanderers, on the other hand, are those who have spent their lives exploring uncharted territories, mastering survival and lockpicking abilities. They are resourceful and adaptable, always ready for the unexpected.

Academics, in contrast, are individuals who have excelled in scientific research and intellectual pursuits. They possess a deep understanding of the universe's mysteries, granting them bonuses to science and engineering skills. Each background provides specific benefits that can significantly impact your character's journey through the vastness of space.

When combined with the game's trait system, which allows you to further customize your character's personality and capabilities, the choice of background becomes even more crucial. For example, a Spacer with the Intelligent trait would make an excellent starship captain, while a Wanderer with the Reckless trait would be a formidable explorer. The possibilities are endless, and the best background and traits for your character will depend on your preferred playstyle and narrative preferences.

Ultimately, the choice of background is a key element in creating a unique and memorable character in Starfield. By carefully considering the available options and their implications, you can tailor your character to suit your desired playstyle and narrative experience, ensuring that your journey through the stars is both engaging and unforgettable.


In the upcoming space RPG Starfield, the skills your character possesses play a vital role in shaping their capabilities and experiences. The game features a wide range of skills, including Piloting, Engineering, Science, and many more, each of which offers unique advantages and applications.

When combined with the game's robust background and trait system, which allows you to customize your character's backstory and personality, the choice of skills becomes even more crucial. For example, a character with a Spacer background and high Piloting skills would be well-suited for a career as a starship captain, while a Wanderer with high Engineering skills would be a valuable asset on any exploration mission.

The skills you choose will also impact the dialogue options available to you throughout the game. For instance, a character with high Science skills may be able to access additional dialogue options when interacting with scientists or researchers, while a character with high Engineering skills may be able to repair damaged equipment or override security systems.

Ultimately, the best skills for your character will depend on your preferred playstyle and narrative preferences. If you want to be a skilled pilot, invest in Piloting skills. If you want to be a cunning engineer, invest in Engineering skills. And if you want to be a knowledgeable scientist, invest in Science skills. The choice is yours, and the possibilities are endless.


In the upcoming space RPG Starfield, your character's attributes play a vital role in shaping their capabilities and experiences. The game features a wide range of attributes, including Strength, Intelligence, Charisma, and many more, each of which offers unique advantages and applications.

Your character's attributes are closely tied to their background and traits. For example, a character with a Spacer background is likely to have high Strength and Piloting skills, while a character with an Academic background is likely to have high Intelligence and Science skills. However, the choice of attributes is ultimately up to you, and you can customize your character to suit your preferred playstyle and narrative preferences.


In the upcoming space RPG Starfield, traits play a vital role in shaping your character's personality, capabilities, and experiences. Traits are special abilities or characteristics that further define your character beyond their background and attributes. They can range from positive attributes, such as intelligent or charismatic, to negative traits, such as reckless or clumsy. Each trait provides specific bonuses or penalties to your character's skills and attributes, so it's important to choose wisely based on the playstyle you want to pursue.

The choice of traits is closely tied to your character's background and attributes. For example, a character with a Scientist background is likely to benefit from the Intelligent trait, while a character with a Diplomat background is likely to benefit from the Charismatic trait. However, the ultimate choice of traits is up to you, and you can customize your character to suit your preferred playstyle and narrative preferences.

Dialogue Options

In the upcoming space RPG Starfield, the choices you make in character creation, including your character's background, traits, and skills, will have a significant impact on the dialogue options available to you throughout the game. This is because your character's background and traits shape their personality, beliefs, and experiences, which in turn influence how they interact with the world and the people they meet.

The ability to make meaningful choices that shape your character's dialogue options is a key aspect of Starfield's character creation system. By carefully considering your choices, you can create a character that is not only visually unique, but also has a unique voice and perspective in the game world.


In the upcoming space RPG Starfield, the ability to tailor your character to suit your preferred playstyle is a key aspect of the character creation system. Your choice of background, traits, and skills will significantly impact your character's capabilities and experiences, allowing you to create a character that is uniquely suited to the way you want to play the game.

For example, if you prefer a playstyle that emphasizes exploration and discovery, you may want to choose a background that provides bonuses to skills such as Science and Lockpicking. You may also want to choose traits that enhance your character's ability to survive in harsh environments and interact with alien cultures. On the other hand, if you prefer a playstyle that emphasizes combat and action, you may want to choose a background that provides bonuses to skills such as Piloting and Gunplay. You may also want to choose traits that enhance your character's combat abilities and resilience.

Ultimately, the best way to choose the right background and traits for your character is to consider your preferred playstyle and narrative preferences. By carefully considering your choices, you can create a character that is not only visually unique, but also has a unique voice and perspective in the game world.

Narrative Preferences

In the upcoming space RPG Starfield, the ability to create a character that aligns with your desired narrative experience is a key aspect of the character creation system. Your choice of background, traits, and skills will significantly impact the story you experience, the choices you can make, and the way your character interacts with the world.

Ultimately, the best way to choose the right background and traits for your character is to consider your preferred narrative experience. By carefully considering your choices, you can create a character that is uniquely suited to the story you want to tell and the way you want to experience the game world.


In the upcoming space RPG Starfield, Exploration plays a vital role in shaping your character's journey and experiences. The vastness of space offers countless opportunities for discovery, and the choices you make in character creation can significantly impact your exploration capabilities.

Your character's background provides a foundation for their exploration skills and knowledge. For example, a character with a Spacer background may have bonuses to Piloting and Engineering skills, making them more proficient in operating starships and repairing equipment during exploration missions. On the other hand, a character with an Academic background may have bonuses to Science and Research skills, making them more adept at analyzing alien artifacts and discovering new technologies.

In addition to background, your character's traits can further enhance their exploration capabilities. For instance, a character with the Intelligent trait may have a bonus to their Science and Research skills, making them more effective at deciphering ancient texts or understanding complex alien technologies. Similarly, a character with the Outdoorsman trait may have a bonus to their Survival and Lockpicking skills, making them more capable of navigating treacherous environments and unlocking hidden caches during exploration.

By carefully considering the combination of background and traits, you can create a character that is uniquely suited to the challenges and opportunities of exploration in Starfield. Whether you want to be a skilled pilot navigating uncharted star systems, a knowledgeable scientist uncovering the secrets of alien civilizations, or a resourceful adventurer seeking hidden treasures, the right combination of background and traits will help you achieve your exploration goals.


In the upcoming space RPG Starfield, the ability to combine backgrounds and traits to create a truly unique character is a key aspect of the character creation system. This customization allows players to tailor their character to their preferred playstyle, narrative preferences, and exploration goals.

By combining different backgrounds and traits, players can create characters that are not only visually unique but also have unique personalities, skills, and abilities. For example, a player who wants to create a character that is skilled in combat and exploration may choose a Spacer background with traits such as Intelligent and Reckless. This combination would grant the character bonuses to skills such as Piloting, Engineering, and Gunplay, making them a formidable force in both combat and exploration scenarios.

The ability to customize characters in Starfield is essential for creating a truly immersive and engaging role-playing experience. By carefully considering the combination of backgrounds and traits, players can create characters that are uniquely suited to their desired playstyles and narrative preferences. This level of customization ensures that each player's journey through the vastness of space is a unique and memorable one.


Starfield, the upcoming space RPG, offers a vast array of character customization options, including backgrounds and traits. Here are some frequently asked questions to help you create the perfect character for your journey through the stars:

Question 1: What is the best background for a character focused on exploration?

Answer: The Spacer background is ideal for exploration, as it provides bonuses to skills like Piloting and Engineering, which are crucial for navigating and repairing starships.

Question 2: How do traits affect my character's abilities?

Answer: Traits grant unique bonuses or penalties to your character's attributes and skills. For example, the Intelligent trait enhances Science and Engineering skills, while the Reckless trait boosts damage output but increases vulnerability to critical hits.

Question 3: Can I combine backgrounds and traits to create a custom character?

Answer: Yes, Starfield allows you to mix and match backgrounds and traits to create a character that perfectly suits your playstyle and narrative preferences.

Question 4: How do my choices impact the story and dialogue options?

Answer: Your background and traits influence the dialogue options available to you, allowing you to shape conversations and interactions with NPCs in a unique way.

Question 5: Can I respec my character later in the game?

Answer: While there is no traditional respec option in Starfield, you can gradually improve your character's skills and attributes through gameplay and by investing in training and equipment.

Question 6: What is the most important factor to consider when choosing a background and traits?

Answer: The most important factor is your preferred playstyle and the type of character you want to embody in the vast and immersive world of Starfield.

Ultimately, the best background and traits for your character are the ones that align with your desired playstyle and narrative preferences. Experiment with different combinations and embrace the freedom to create a truly unique and memorable character for your journey through the stars.

Transition to the next article section:

Now that you have a better understanding of backgrounds and traits, explore other aspects of character creation in Starfield, such as skills, attributes, and dialogue options, to further refine your character and embark on an unforgettable adventure.

Tips for Selecting the Best Background and Traits in Starfield

In the highly anticipated space RPG Starfield, character creation plays a pivotal role in shaping your journey through the vastness of space. Your choice of background and traits significantly influences your character's skills, attributes, and dialogue options. Here are some essential tips to help you optimize your character's potential:

Tip 1: Consider Your Playstyle

Identify your preferred playstyle before selecting your background and traits. If you favor exploration and discovery, backgrounds like Spacer or Wanderer provide bonuses to relevant skills. Conversely, if combat is your focus, backgrounds like Soldier or Bounty Hunter offer advantages in weapon proficiency and combat abilities.

Tip 2: Explore Trait Synergies

Traits offer unique bonuses and penalties that can complement your background. For instance, pairing the Intelligent trait with a Scientist background enhances your character's scientific research capabilities. Similarly, combining the Charismatic trait with a Diplomat background boosts your persuasion skills.

Tip 3: Customize for Narrative Immersion

Your background and traits not only affect gameplay but also shape your character's narrative experience. Choose a background that aligns with your desired backstory and select traits that reflect your character's personality and ambitions. This will enhance your immersion and make your journey more meaningful.

Tip 4: Experiment with Combinations

Starfield's character creation system allows for diverse combinations of backgrounds and traits. Experiment with different options to find the perfect fit for your playstyle and narrative preferences. Don't be afraid to explore unconventional combinations to create a truly unique character.

Tip 5: Research and Consult

Utilize online resources, forums, and community guides to gather insights and recommendations from experienced players. Research different backgrounds and traits to understand their strengths and weaknesses, ensuring you make informed choices.

By following these tips, you can optimize your character's background and traits in Starfield, creating a character that perfectly aligns with your playstyle, narrative preferences, and exploration goals. Embrace the depth and flexibility of the character creation system to forge a unique and unforgettable journey through the stars.


In the highly anticipated space RPG Starfield, the choice of background and traits plays a pivotal role in shaping your character's journey through the vastness of space. This article delved into the various backgrounds, traits, and their impact on skills, attributes, dialogue options, and narrative experience.

By understanding the strengths and synergies of different backgrounds and traits, you can create a character that perfectly aligns with your playstyle, narrative preferences, and exploration goals. Experiment with diverse combinations to forge a unique and unforgettable experience in the cosmos.

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Best Starting Traits and Backgrounds Starfield Guide IGN Al

Best Starting Traits and Backgrounds Starfield Guide IGN Al

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The Best Starting Traits in Starfield
