Grotta Palazzese, Italy's romantic cave restaurant carved on a cave

May 2024 · 1 minute read

How about enjoying the romantic candlelight dinner inside a cave restaurant set atop a hill, overlooking the sea? If so, Grotta Palazzese in Polignano a Mare in Puglia in southern Italy is a must-visit. 

There’s an unmistakable air of romance in the air as VIPs, tourists and regulars make a beeline to one of the most sought after restaurants in the world, a structure carved inside a cave.

Grotta Palazzese has a great deal of history woven into its exotic existence. The restaurant built inside the naturally formed cave has played host to joy-seekers right from 1700 where parties and other functions used to be held. What lends beauty to the place is its location which opens out into the wide ocean.

The 300-year-old hotel has seen a lot of history unfolding within its walls. Set at a height of 74 ft above sea level, the restaurant-cum-hotel was carved out of sandstone. 

Much loved as it is, Grotta Palazzese has its set of rules and codes which are expected of guests and visitors. Diners have to book in advance and it follows a strict dress code. But none of these matter to those who look forward to a candlelight dinner in Grotta Palazzese!     
