Exposed as Fame-Seeking Loser by Bitter Ex-Girlfriend?

May 2024 · 3 minute read

In a word?


Earlier this week, an ex-girlfriend of The Bachelorette finalist Erich Schwer leaked text messages allegedly sent to her by the finalist several months ago… right around the time he was cast on Season 19.

They make Erich look pretty darn horrible, too.


The Instagram account @BachelorNation.Scoop shared screenshots of supposed messages between Erich and a woman named Amanda Kaylor, who told Reality Steve on the phone that she dated Scher from January 2022 through March.

And then?

Erich told Amanda that he was going to appear on The Bachelorette.

“I know this isn’t ideal, I wanted to do this to see if there was something else I could do with my life. I really like you Amanda,” Erick allegedly texted her on March 10, adding at the time:

“I didn’t think it would be a big deal but I understand how you feel, I’m sorry and I understand if you don’t want to see me anymore.”

As you might expect, Erich’s girlfriend was taken aback by this bombshell.

“You just expected me to continue dating you while you go on a reality show to ‘find love?’” she replied.

“It isn’t real, but you’re right,” Scher wrote back, seemingly alluding to the phony nature of The Bachelorette.

“I am sorry I really didn’t think this all through. … I didn’t realize the implications. I am sorry I thought we could get on the same page about this. I really didn’t mean for this to hurt you.”

The Bachelorette finale airs on Tuesday, September 20.

According to spoilers, both Gabby and Rachel end up getting engaged on the episode.

Yes, the former to Erich.

According to another set of spoilers, Gabby is still with Erich, too. Although that report was released prior to these texts being leaked online.

In another alleged exchange, Erich told Amanda that he was “miserable” because he felt “stuck in my career path” and wanted a change… which is why he signed on for The Bachelorette.

On March 22, shortly before he jetted off for filming, he allegedly sent her flowers to make her “smile.”

Reality Steve reports that he included a note which read:

“I’ll never stop thinking of you.”

It appears that Erich did not contact Amanda again until July, which is the same month The Bachelorette premiered. (Production usually concludes in May.)

“I am so sorry Amanda, what I did was terrible. I don’t expect you to ever forgive me,” he allegedly wrote on July 10.

“I just want you to know I think about you all the time and you really deserve the best.

“I won’t ever forgive myself I hope you find happiness and everything you deserve.”

Scher has yet to publicly address the allegations.

He recently apologized when a photo resurfaced of him in Blackface from his high school yearbook.

“I wholeheartedly apologize for the insensitive photo of me in Blackface from my high school yearbook that has been circulating,” he wrote on September 8 via Instagram.

“What I thought at the time was a representation of my love for Jimi Hendrix, was nothing but ignorance.

“I was naïve to the hurtful implications of my actions to the Black community and those closest to me, and will forever regret my offensive and damaging behavior.

“I am deeply ashamed by my actions and understand that my apology is only the first step in taking accountability.”
