The Meaning Behind The Song: Adam, Check Please by Owl City

May 2024 · 3 minute read

The Meaning Behind The Song: “Adam, Check Please” by Owl City

TitleArtistWriter/ComposerAlbumRelease DateGenreDurationProducer
“Adam, Check Please”Owl CityAdam YoungCoco MoonFebruary 3, 2023Pop/ElectronicaN/AAdam Young

When I first listened to “Adam, Check Please” by Owl City, I was captivated by its catchy tune and upbeat rhythm. However, as I delved deeper into the lyrics, I discovered a whole new layer of meaning behind the song.

The song starts with the protagonist, Adam, introducing himself and expressing his desire to find a part-time job. He hands his résumé to Casey Connor, presumably the manager at a grocery store called Hy-Vee. Adam is offered a position in the frozen department and begins his job the following Monday after school.

Throughout the song, Adam finds pride and purpose in his work at the grocery store. He may be a “skinny kid with a crooked tie,” but his name tag proudly displays his one year of service. Despite the small paycheck, Adam feels like a man and even makes it rain when payday comes, because that’s all he has.

The chorus of the song expresses gratitude towards Hy-Vee, with Adam singing, “So thank you kindly, I owe ya, Hy-Vee.” He acknowledges the store’s impact on his life and appreciates the opportunity they gave him. The repetitive phrase “Adam, check please” serves as a reminder of his job at the grocery store and the importance of taking pride in one’s work.

In the post-chorus and bridge, the song emphasizes the life lessons Adam learns from working at Hy-Vee. Stocking shelves taught him the value of doing his best and taking pride in his work. He encourages listeners to chase their passion rather than their paycheck and be proud of what they have. The lyrics reflect the idea that everyone has the potential to succeed and make a meaningful contribution, no matter where they start.

As the song progresses, Adam grows nostalgic and reflects on his time at the grocery store. He mentions looking for Casey Connor again, as if he is reminiscing about the early days of his job. He recognizes the helpful smile that greets customers in every aisle and acknowledges the blessings of working at the grocery store.

The song concludes with a reaffirmation of gratitude towards Hy-Vee, stating that it means the world to Adam. He cherishes the friendly smiles and the sense of freedom that came from working there. The song ends on a positive note, highlighting the guarantee that “help is on the way” and everything is beautiful.

As someone who has worked part-time jobs during my school years, “Adam, Check Please” resonated with me on a personal level. It captures the sense of pride and fulfillment that comes from even the most humble beginnings. Like Adam, I too experienced the joy of earning my first paycheck and understanding the value of hard work.

The song’s message of finding purpose and pride in one’s work is universal. It serves as a reminder that success does not solely come from climbing the corporate ladder or chasing after big paychecks. Instead, it encourages individuals to pursue their passions and take pride in their everyday endeavors.

Owl City’s “Adam, Check Please” is a refreshing and inspiring song that reminds us of the importance of finding meaning in our work and cherishing the opportunities that come our way. So the next time you find yourself in a grocery store, take a moment to appreciate the hardworking individuals who make it all possible.

Because, in the end, as the song says, “That friendly smile in every aisle guarantees that your day was breezy.”
