
May 2024 · 1 minute read

Flavon Green provides the positive physiological effects of vegetables in a complex way. The included vegetables help us maintain a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants & fibres. Although numerous researches prove that regular vegetable consumption protects our health, only a few people consume the required amount day by day. Flavon Green can be the solution, because we can cover the significant part of the daily vegetable intake with a product constituted of only well-selected ingredients of high quality.

A good diet is especially important if we had an inadequate diet at an earlier stage of our life, were formerly addicted to bad eating habits, or were the victims of restricted possibilities. Thanks to its ingredients, Flavon Protect can make our diet varied & protect our body.

The consumption of Flavon Protect is recommended for adults

 who cannot ensure the sufficient intake of vegetables
   who consider it important to continuously take vitamins & minerals from a pure source
   who would like to consume vegetables in a new form they haven’t tried before
   who are conscious consumers, as part of a modern diet
